blessed to be busy

This week has been busy, and the end response is Im tired and irritable.  I'm tired of the constant messes, of the noise and of being needed. ALL. THE. TIME.

But there is beauty here.  There is as much beauty in today as there was yesterday and as much as there will be tomorrow.  Its just about taking the time to see it.  Because I have not been taking the time this week due to busyness I have missed some of it.  That my dears is the problem with BUSY! 

So this post is about stopping and noticing the beauty.  In the small things, the seemingly mundane things.  The things that despite being small and mundane make my heart smile.   

It was an amazing winters day, the sun was shining and I got to open the whole house up.  One of my very favorite things is when the breeze blows the sheer gently.  Grant thinks Im slightly strange for this one!

A beautiful little sweet dish of my grandmothers I use as a little soap dish.  Each time I was my hands with my homemade soap and see this little dish it really makes me smile and reminds me or her.

Home made chocolate cake for a cheeky morning tea!  And going for toddler paced walks in pj's (Henry not me, just to be clear!) in the nearly-spring sunshine.  A blissful, calm morning! 

Finished with reading books in bed for a midday nap.  

Through the hustle and bustle this scripture stood out to me this week.  I have so much to be joyful for.  Even in my business it is a blessing to be able to give back! 

Much love, 


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