Clothing a family for less

Clothing a big family well can be an expensive prospect.  Cheap clothes throw up serious ethical and sustainability questions and better quality clothing quickly adds up, especially when you take into consideration how quickly children grow. 

Elsie in her vintage duds, 50c op-shopped onsie and homemade bib from fabric offcuts.  

But it is possible to meet everyone's clothing needs on a limited budget, it just takes a little more effort, time and foresight.

on saving money

Unemployment rates in Australia are high, higher then they have been for decades and sadly the statistics we read are inaccurate.  The true rate of unemployment is much higher.  The current statistics don't take into consideration those who have left part-time/casual work and are not eligible for job seeker due to their partner earning too much.  They don't take into consideration the small home-based business that rely on local markets to sell their wares, markets which in many states are not currently running.  These businesses may not be big, but for many families, they can make the difference to being able to make ends meet.  

podcast chat with Allie from The Decluttered Home

Recently I went on my dear friend Allies new podcast, The Decluttered Home to talk about our simple living journey and the events which set us onto our simple living path and fundamentally changed the way we live. 

                                This scruffy haired bloke reading the paper on a weekend with Elsie.  

On the farm

Hello dear readers,

It’s been a little while between posts and I do hope you’re keeping safe and well.  Things are fine here on the farm.  I have been trying to sleep when Elsie sleeps and between one thing or another, my days keep disappearing the way they inevitably seem to do with a small baby in your arms!

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