Moments that make up our days....

Our days are made up of many moments.  Some good, some not so good.  But by slowing down and capturing the good ones we can feel like we are living a good life.  I often look around at my comfortable little house, with its up-cycled cupboards, mis-matched furniture, shoes spilling out from the designated shoe rack, dogs sleeping on the doormat and wonder "how did I get so lucky?".

Truly I feel so rich.  My house is small, quite often looks like a tornado has gone through it, too often our dinners are a hodge-podge of what is in the pantry and garden, and some days the weight of motherhood, the continuousness of it rests heavily on my weary shoulders.

But then there are other times when I can see the beauty in all of it.  When the house is still as messy, and still just as small but yet I feel enriched, blessed and joyful.  Its funny how the only difference between the two is ME.  Its my perspective.  Sleep affects this very heavily.  It is a massive factor in my ability to feel peaceful and in the moment.  And the other thing I think is ensuring I take the time to stop and count my blessings in the small things, to slow down a little and remember how lucky I am to have clothes to wash, food to cook, how much of a blessing it is to have a family to care for.

I used to see housework as a chore.  Something to "get done" but since having children I realize more and more each child it is never done.  And that housework will always be here to do.  Its a matter of prespective.  For me looking after my home is an extension of looking after my children.  It is a gift to my family and it may sound old-fashioned but it is a gift to my husband.  Grant goes to work and financially provides for our family, he has a huge amount of weight on his shoulders, he works so hard for us all.  I want to make home life a soft place for him.  He helps out happily if its needed.  We often hang a load of washing together or tidy up together at night.  But Im ok with being "team home" and him "team work".  I dont feel "trapped" by my traditionally female duties.  Because I believe they are the most important work I will do.    

I have worked part time for many years after having children.  Currently I am not.  I may again one day if the right job takes my fancy.  Currently I'm volunteering through church which I love.  But I will most likely still be the parent with the most amount of time at home and don't see my homemaker roles changing.  We have worked so hard towards the life we value and we both work hard to keep me home.  He works hard to bring in the money, I work hard at being resourceful, thrifty and conscious of where our family spends our money.

Despite the fact the boys drive me crazy at times.  I love this life, I love being at home with them.  Where else do you get breaks like this?.....

I hope you can find the blessing in your day! 


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