Goodness, where has the week gone?
Juicing the last of the oranges, and an abundance of eggs from the chooks - thanks ladies!
There have been some beautiful sunny days. Once the house is painted we will be doing a tidy up on the yard. Its somewhat neglected this year after recovering from my heart troubles. I'm looking forward to putting down new roots on our long term home and starting fresh.
There have been cat naps had by all, including Max. Who is actually a cat.
Henry feeling brighter. Its been a week of reading books, and somewhat quiet activities for him.
This week life at the little old cottage has been somewhat busy. Painting has been in full swing and the house has been in a constant state of disarray in one form or another. Henry has been on antibiotics for tonsillitis, and he has rightly been a cranky, sore, sad little fellow for much of this week. Fortunately he is on the mend now with antibiotics, which we very rarely need.
I will be the first to admit I find renovating difficult. I like clean, calm spaces. Renovating is not that. At all. So the other day when we put the house back together and I was able to get things into some state of order I breathed a sigh of relief.
But the little old cottage is looking good! There is a small amount of touching up needed inside on the timber work to go, and today Grant is completing the outside painting. The photographer is coming on Thursday to take the photos and we expect it to officially go on the market next Monday, its all go, go, go! Next week I'll share photos I promise.
Well I best dash. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
But the little old cottage is looking good! There is a small amount of touching up needed inside on the timber work to go, and today Grant is completing the outside painting. The photographer is coming on Thursday to take the photos and we expect it to officially go on the market next Monday, its all go, go, go! Next week I'll share photos I promise.
Much love,