Our home internet is down at the moment, the joys of country life! I'm unsure how long it will take to get running again, so posting may be sparse. We are here, pottering along. I also have an assignment a week to knock out over the coming 8 weeks which will no doubt keep me busy.
Henry had a lovely birthday at the zoo and I have a stack of photos to upload which I will do once our home internet is up and running.
So here are some snippets from our days. Completly ordinary days.
Licking the bowl is always fun!
Me supervising my new herb bed being put in position. My birthday pressie! $120 Seconds straight from the manufacturer. I love these raised beds.
Planted out with kale, spring onion, thyme, borage, lemongrass, comfrey, sage, cammomile, St. John's wort.
My other herbs are looking happy, I also potted up some peppermint and corriander which should be happier now the weather has cooled. Much love,