Giving thanks...

One of the biggest things I have found since working to simplify my life is all that I have to give thanks for, right under my nose.  It's nothing new, they were always there but now I have the wisdom to see the gift that the simple things are.  Once upon a time I was so occupied with all the hustle and bustle of shopping too much, always searching to "have fun" out of the home, avoiding cooking and  cleaning that these simple pleasures passed me by.

Ironically these things I was avoiding are now the are now the things that bring me comfort.  The stability and comfort of a lovely home.  I came to realize I was missing the little things in life, by only looking for the what I saw to be the more "fun" options.  Interestingly the more "fun" option didn't bring me what I hoped.  It was hollow.  I came to understand it is the little moments in life that are important.  Life is made up of lots of little moments crammed together, in a giant tangled web.  When we see the beauty in all the little moments, life suddenly looks a whole lot more beautiful, rather then just waiting for the occasional "perfect" moment that comes along and investing everything into that.  These big moments do come, and they ARE amazing.  But recognizing the beauty in the space between them?  That's a real blessing.  Giving thanks is one of the main ingredients to a good life I reckon.

Goodness there is a lot to give thanks for.  Which of course I always knew, but when we are rushing, when be are focused on buying the things we think we "need" which really more often then not, are really "wants" we just don't give thanks as much.  It's just not possible if our energy is focused outwards always looking for more.   The media and advertising today is pushing us to look outwards....but I believe they are wrong.  As do you I suspect if you are reading this!

We can have the most amazing life in the world, but if we don't stop and give thanks it will simply pass us by, and what a tragedy that would be! 

There are of course the times when life is not so amazing, sometimes life is just plain crap.  Bad things happen to good people, bad things even happen to us.  It is these times I have learned it is MOST important to give thanks.

We have had a couple of near misses in our lives, though nothing compared to many around us.  First with the flood, (here)which was more of a direct hit rather then a near miss, suffering post natal depression, (here)which frankly truly sucked but taught me a lot, and the strength of my husband and our family is greater because of it.  Most recently was with the Pinery bush fires.(here)  Ever notice how you learn the most out of the suckiest experiences in life?  Knowing this weird phenomenon I always welcome the lessons when we hit a disaster zone.  Not the disaster itself, but the lessons which come that are part of the by product.  They are the sometimes bitter sweet silver lining when things go pear shaped.

And I was thinking this weekend about giving thanks as we hung out.  We have been doing some gardening, went to the beach and ate fish and chips, picked up some second hand gates we scored for $160 and a cubby some beautiful friends handed down to us.  It was a truly lovely weekend.  Though it was not easy.  There were fights in the car, in the house, in the garden......The two youngest can fight over then air, I'm pretty sure at one stage they were fighting about fighting!  There was the standard time outs, tantrums, bumps and grazes that comes with an energetic bundle of little boys.

But goodness we fit in a whole lot to be thankful for.  Swimming in the beautiful warm, clear ocean together, building sand castles.  (then having to protect the sand creation Angus built as the other boys wanted to smash it and that just too much for Gussy's OCD to cope with....WHY would you SMASH something you JUST built?!?!) There was the awesome park with water play spaces, visiting friends, building the cubby, naps and quiet time.  There were sweet kisses, cuddles and fits of laughter.

It would be easy to look at all the things that went wrong, there were plenty!  Like the container of sugar that ended up on the floor, the endless dirt, the mud, the fights.  But when giving thanks you don't pretend these things don't happen, they do.  That's the messy reality of family life!  Instead we choose to look at the things that went "pretty good" and let the rest just melt away.  And there is always a lot of "pretty goods" in life if we look for them I reckon.

Friends who pick us up, laugh, listen and cry with us, Drs who listen to our concerns, the right medication, a house to clean (even if it is not the house of our dreams!), a comfy bed (gosh I love my bed, even if I never seem to wake up next to my husband anymore, most nights he migrates to the couch as various small people creep in....ha!)

This year I aim to be conscious to give thanks in all circumstances.  Because it is these things, I believe which will give us the contentment and satisfaction in life we crave.

This morning I am giving thanks for this cool change.  The house is open, the fresh breeze drifting through, a hot cuppa in hand.  They boys are playing with their newly unpacked lego.  Life is good, yes?

Much love,

Edit: excuse my rambling thoughts, I have tried to edit this and must have re-read it 30 times, with at least twice as many interruptions from little people!  So I have given up and have posted it as is, errors and all.  Just keeping it real folks!  ;) xx
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