A goal!

Thank you for your kindness after my somewhat downer post on Monday.  Mondays are hard here as we have spent the weekend together and Angus's anxiety spikes at the thought of going back to school. 

But guess what?

After weeks of watching from the sidelines, and encouragement from teachers Angus finally worked up the courage to ask to join in with the other children playing soccer for the first time since getting here.  Something he has ached to do.  And they said yes, AND he scored a goal! 

He was so proud of himself!  And I was even prouder, I may have even shed a tear.  This little guy of ours goes at his own pace, in his own way but he keeps putting one step in front of the other.

In other news I have been working on a piece for a writing workshop I am doing with Rhonda Hetzel and a group of ladies.  I'm looking forward to learning how to improve and learn about something I love so my writing here may be a little shorter than usual this week as apparently there are only so many hours in the day.  Who knew?

Whilst preparing to do the course I realized I have not sat down and written many clear and concise posts about how we went about choosing farmland, our priorities, the things we were willing to negotiate on, why we are building a yurt compared to other structures, starting off-grid living and the likes.  I kinda ramble on about them in my usual way, but I figure it must be time for a couple of stand-alone posts on the topics which others who are exploring the same life change might find useful, without needing to trawl through everything I have ever written here - ha!

On that note it’s time for a late lunch, I'm famished.  I hope you are having a lovely day.

Much love,
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