Well, things are beginning to come together ready for our move to NSW. Grant has had two interviews this week and has been offered a full-time trucking job, he will find out about the other on Monday. At the very least he has a good job ready to go as soon as we do our final move next week, for which we are very grateful.
I can't quite believe that in less then a week we will be loading up the essentials, our three kids, three dogs, two cats and Squirtle the turtle into the old land cruiser with a cattle trailer hitched to the back and moving 1700km's away.
It's going to be utter madness, I'm quite sure. But then again what isn't a little odd, left of centre and crazy when it comes to this motley crew of mine? But I do love them so. Adventures eh?
There were three in the bed and the little one said.....I'm not sure where Grant is intending on sleeping when he gets home from NSW. Bahahaha!
Forest Man (YouTube)
The power of one person to make an impact. Small tasks carried out over a period of a lifetime can add up to phenomenal changes. This is an inspiring story, which really needs a Go Fund Me page as I'm sure people all around the world would love to contribute to such a wonderful cause.
Meet the Frugalwoods
I borrowed this book a while ago on Libby, and it finally came in this week. It was a really interesting read about how a young couple have managed to essentially retire in their early 30's, move to the woods and raise their young family. It's a book which combines humour, great storytelling and practical, motivating information.
Craft Is Not Trivial
I loved this article on the importance of craft and what it brings us.
Words By Ange
A new friend of mine is a writer who is in the process of working on her first books. She has been blogging for a little while but after a great convo one arvo she is re-jigging her blog this year. I look forward to following along!
The dirt on composting toilets
Oh yeah, because my life is that glamorous! (YouTube)
May you have a wonderful weekend!
Much love,