Simple muesli recipe

Do you ever wonder how come some items seem exorbitantly priced compared to what they actually are?  

I do, and muesli is one of them. 

Rolled oates are cheap as chips - but add a few bits and bobs and call it muesli and suddenly the price is more then doubled or tripled.  (Depending on the brand.)

So being the tight wad I am, I make my own, using all good quality Australian ingredients, minus the cinnamon which I'm not sure where that is from.  Do we even grow cinnamon in Australia?  

Its super simple and quick thing to do so here is my method.  You can toast the oates if you so please, but I don't bother as I'm all about the quick and easy.  Its one of those recipes you can easily adjust to your own taste.  

You will need;

- rolled oates
- 2-3 generous handfuls of almonds
- 2-3 generous handfuls of pumpkin seeds
- 3 good handfuls of dried fruit (I use what ever I have in my cupboard, this batch has sultanas/pears/apricot/mango)
- couple of teaspoons of ground cinnamon to taste

Roughly chop up the almonds and dried fruit.  Scissors can be helpful to chop the fruit if it is a leather like the my mango was.  Add in the cinnamon, stir well and scoop into a clean, dry container.  


fast, nutritious and tasty breakfast ready to go.  I hope you enjoy it!  What simple cooking hacks you do?

Much love,
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