Becoming a morning person...

I have mentioned before, I am not a morning person.  At all.

But in this season of trying to be more mindful, undertaking study and carving out time for myself among the busyness of small children, mornings are about as good as it gets.  I have tried to find this time at night, but it just doesn't work.  By night time I'm knackered and mindfulness = sleep.  Seriously I can not tell you how many times I have set myself at night once the house is quiet and in order with my bible, a journal ready to read scripture and reflect upon life and what God might be saying, only to wake up hours later with a kink in my neck and a blank page in front of me.

When we look at what we want our days to look like, they are calm, loving and purposeful.  Not rushed, distracted and late.

There are so many "things and stuff" out there to tempt us away from whats important, they are loud and shiny.  TV, the internet, smart phones, apps just to name a few.  All these things are thrown in our faces, they are exughsting if we allow them to have power and priority in our life.  But you know whats a priority in my life?  God, health, my children, my family.

But the daily decisions we make in our lives do not always show this to be true.  If I say my faith is important and I don't manage to carve out time to sit in it, its just words.  If I say health is important and then don't dedicate a decent period of time in my day to prepare good and nourishing food, then my actions are not following through with my words.  If I say patience is something I'm striving for and then don't set my day up to allow time for mistakes to happen and be fixed calmly then I'm not actually making it a priority, you know? 

Its something we all do, we all fall for the temptation of distraction, or the easy route at times.  I don't know a single person who doesn't battle with this kind of thing in some form or another.  I think its simply the essence of being human.  But then the question lies - how do we work with it?  Its all a part of moving the life we have to the life we value.  I'm sure where we are today is not where we will be in a year, and that's a great thought!  

Now I'm not talking about those days that are hell and we are happy to have survived them - we all deserve a deserve a high five for surviving them!  I'm talking about the cumulative effect of a daily ritual and the power it holds in the ordinary days.

So, with that in mind, mornings it is.

And you know what?  After 32 years of utterly hating mornings and vehemently defending the fact that night time is the only good end of the day, they are not actually so bad.  There is a stillness that is present in the morning.  A quietness in the air.

The children are ready earlier in the morning, the school run smoother.  All our tanks are a little more filled as we set off the face our days.

I'm no 1950's house wife, though hats off to them.  I awake bedraggled with hair standing on end, bleary eyed as I cuddle my morning coffee.  There is no hot cooked breakfast nor cheerful singing.  BUT there is no longer growling and hissing either coming from my direction in the mornings either...HA! 
I have not mastered the art of mornings yet, it still takes me an entire small plunger of coffee to get going, but you know what?  I look forward to this being the way forward as far as daily rhythms go.

So this is a new challenge I have set myself.  To totally flip my day.  I have a feeling it is going to be a  life changing experiment.

Are you a night person or a morning person?  Is there something on your heart to work on?

Much love,
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