Yurt progress and weekend reads

I’d like to be able to write and say the yurt is up and that we are in it but alas I can’t.  But we do have the frame up and the roof is on roughly which at least offers a little protection to the deck.

But poor Grant was running out of steam. He had a sore back after work and that hindered progress.  He has had a little rest this week and is, fortunately, feeling better now.  It’s Easter this weekend which means we will have 4 glorious days which will give us ample time to finish building the yurt, move in and clean the tents before packing them down.  I hope my next update here will show a completed yurt and us in it.

The yurt is shaping up to be an amazing space.  It has such a peaceful vibe about it, though it’s not quite as tall as I was hoping.  The mezzanine will just be a little lower, but we will make do.  It will just be snug.  Let's be real 5 people living in a 30ft yurt was always going to be snug.  I’m not sure how long it will be until we can either put up a smaller second yurt or buy a kit home.  Time will tell. 

School holidays are here too, which means my ability to snatch time and write is a little haphazard.  I’m so glad to have the boys home.  Goodness, they were tired after a long 11-week term, moving, settling into a new school and then living in what can only be described as a challenging situation while we establish ourselves on the farm.  I’m proud of these boys of mine.  They have shown great resilience, though none of us are interested in going camping again for a long time.  

Well my morning is unravelling here as I attempt to write and my children are beginning to demand my attention so I best go.  May the Easter long weekend bring you time to relax, be with your family and time to reflect on the purpose of the occasion, even if it is not your own personal belief system.  Love, kindness, grace and forgiveness are universally important, perhaps more so now than ever.  

Much love,
Weekend Reads

2019 ethical fashion guide
I really like this simple guide, and here is the 2019's.  However it doesn't take into consideration fast fashion, the use of natural fibres, and the quality of the goods made.  I'd like to only shop at small, highly ethical, boutiques but the truth is I can't afford too.  I don't buy something if I can make do, I op-shop where I can, I buy good quality where it counts, I choose natural fibres and I shop at chains who take the time to be transparent and ensure their factory workers are as safe, and as well cared for as the global system allows.  

SBS- Removal of sacred Djap Wurrung Tree
I have been watching this story unfold with such sadness, that in 2019 our government continues to ignore the importance of sacred aboriginal places for the convenience of their own agenda.  Move the damn road people!

Artist as Family extended segment from Gardening Australia
I love this family and the message they so passionately spread, from their 1/4 acre suburban block.

Cait Flanders
Have you read this blog and book?  This is where I got the idea of doing our families year of less project, along with some other sources.  she writes an interesting newsletter and you won't be bombarded with advertising which always appeals to me.

Hope and Thrift
I enjoyed this article by Jane.

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