Well our long weekend was successful in that the big old supporting beam is up, the wall is down and we can finally see the space that we imagined.

The old re-claimed jetty beam looks just perfect in the space.  Grant was amazing to get it up on his own.  it took some careful planning and quite a bit of time, but he did it. 

And its perfect!  By opening the hole up we can suddenly appreciate the height of the ceilings in this part of the house.  You can see out to the back yard and the whole space flows more naturally.  As outdoorsy people, that is so important to us. 

We have finalized our kitchen plan, some dear friends kept me company in the final bits of planning while Grant stayed back and worked, not wanting to loose time on the long weekend.  I also picked up a range hood which should tie in with our vintage oven OK, quite tricky to do!  Its interesting to see how kitchen trends change. 

This week we want to get the wood oven fitted so we can work in the warmth, channels for all the new power to be run and Grant wants to get the ceilings up over the weekend.

I'm looking forward to it being done and life being more normal.  This is a mighty tough season we are in and I must admit it is difficult staying on top of my feelings and not letting myself become too overwhelmed by the mess and the dust.  I feel happy and relaxed in a clean, clear space and this place is not.  Talking to Grant is the key, working on the best plans forward, prayer, time out and focussing on the positives help.    Though not a cure for the reality that is our living space. 

But we are blessed to have a strong healthy family, to be in our little home.  One day soon enough it will be warm, cosy and an escape from the world.  A place of refuge for our family and friends.  Where we can invite people over, care for them and enjoy life together.  Ready to stand for another 100 years. 

Much love,

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