school holidays!

It's been cold and wet here at the farm.  Our tracks have turned into a slippery mess, the washing was mounting up in front of my eyes and we were all feeling irritable and fed up by the constant mud.  Throw in all 5 of us coming down with a nasty flu, and the yurt was beginning to feel very small.

The boys watching a movie on a cold morning.  

Very small indeed.

But the sun is shining now, we have mostly recovered apart from a nagging cough and it is school holidays.  Time to rest and catch up.

Gumboots are a must!

In time, once the large undercover deck is built, we have built internal walls, a mezzanine and a proper kitchen in the yurt life will become far more comfortable.  But right now we are all living in each other's pockets, and I am a person who needs a little space to gather my thoughts from time to time.

Slowly but surely, we getting organised here at the farm.  Tools are finding homes in Grants shed, scrap timber is getting burned, useful timber is being neatly stacked out of the way.  The solar has been moved over from the caravan to the yurt, the new yard fence is nearly finished and the boys have done a wonderful job.  None of these jobs expensive, they just take time.  We have a few more jobs to do, a header tank is a priority but then it is time to start working on the internal walls of the yurt.  I cannot wait - oh to have a bedroom door!

Henry has been out collecting bugs.  

We have dear friends coming from South Australia to stay over the weekend, so the caravan needs a good clean out and a tent needs to be put up for the kids.  They are game to camp here so I'm sure we will have a great time.  We have planned a couple of local tourist things like a day trip to Comboyne, and Allie and I will just have to have a child-free lunch out together at some point.  Oh, the luxury!

I cannot wait to catch up with them, I know our kids will run wild together, there will be bonfires, camp oven dinners to share and lots of laughter and good conversation.  There is nothing quite like good friends, yes?

May you have lovely school holidays too if you have young children at home!

Much love,

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